Want to play as a Lithuanian or a Finn with the Romuva or Suomenuosko faiths? Old Gods.
Want to play as the Mongols? If you want Tengri factions, the religion of the early inhabitants of that part of the world, you'll need The Old Gods. Get ready to party! We only have a handful left and if you want to join the party and see all the amazing things you better act fast! Buy ticket! Planetfall has begun!
Still, republics offer a rather unique way to play the game that can help keep things from feeling stale, especially for players who love to amass gold and spend it on cool stuff. Like Sword of Islamthis one is entirely situational. It Naloxone patent puts pressure on Western Europe at a time cl2 things can start to feel static, similar to the role the Mongols play in Eastern Europe. Unlocks Muslim rulers base CK2 only allows you to select Christian characters with loads of new mechanics. This also makes a great goal for a fun playthrough. Pagans are very strong in the early game, where they can amass large armies and raid their neighbours, but have huge problems keeping their realms together as history marches on. Paganism is the focus here, but it comes in several different flavours, from the familiar Vikings to West African tribes. The Old Gods does both, which is why it is hands down the best expansion, and the first you should buy. There are fourteen full expansions and a ton of cosmetic DLC, and the complete bundle costs a considerable amount.