Mount and blade warband trade fiefs
Mount and blade warband trade fiefs

mount and blade warband trade fiefs mount and blade warband trade fiefs

When a location is captured it becomes the property of the victorious faction if there is a village nearby that will also become that faction's property.Įvery time a castle or town is conquered the king will give it to one of his vassals, and the village(s) to a different vassal if you are a member of that faction there is a chance that you will receive one of these new assets, especially if you were the one who besieged it. However, if you meet the lord, you can do his quests to ameliorate your relations with him, for example if there is something in the castle that he owns which is of use to you.Īrmies frequently besiege towns and castles in addition to fighting each other directly once you have joined a faction you can besiege locations yourself (see siege for details). Slezh), then the lord who owns the castle will become your enemy with a relation of -25, and you will not be allowed to enter the castle. Regardless of the method in which you joined the faction, the king will grant you the poorest village his faction currently possesses. If you ask the king yourself, certain calculations are involved to determine whether you are worthy of becoming a vassal (refer to joining a faction for more information). Factions you have negative relations with will not offer allegiance. If you refuse an offer you will lower your relations with the leader offering it, making him less likely to make a future offer once his opinion of you is a negative value he will stop asking you. Once you have at least 150 Renown, kings will start randomly asking you to pledge your allegiance, offering you a village to sweeten the deal. For more information, see the factions page. Holding a fief on your own is difficult because the other factions can declare war on you at any time and will arrive in force to take your lands from you. If you besiege a town or castle when not in a faction it will automatically become your property at the end of the siege.

Mount and blade warband trade fiefs